Home / Rust-Oleum DH05 Krud Kutter Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant, 5 Gallon Pail

Rust-Oleum DH05 Krud Kutter Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant, 5 Gallon Pail

  • Detail

    Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant, 5 Gallon DH05 Includes

    • (1) 5 Gal. Heavy duty cleaner & disinfectant

    Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant, 5 Gallon DH05 Features

    • COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Krud Kutter Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant kills similar viruses and therefore can be used against SARS-CoV-2 when used in accordance with the directions for use against Coronavirus on hard, non-porous surfaces. Refer to the CDC website for additional information
    • Excellent for use on: kitchens, bathrooms and other household areas
    • Food preparation and storage area
    • Day care centers and nurseries, kindergartens and preschools
    • EPA registered virucides
    • EPA registered disinfectants

    Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant, 5 Gallon DH05 Specifications

    Size 5 Gallon Pail
    Works on Vinyl Baked Enamel Plastic Brass Glazed Ceramic Copper Glazed Porcelain Laminated Surfaces Chrome
    Appearance Liquid
    Physical State Liquid
    Odor Mild
    Odor Threshold N.E.
    Relative Density 1.002
    Freeze Point, °C N.D.
    Viscosity N.D.
    Solubility in Water Soluble
    Partition Coefficient, n-octanol/ water N.D.
    Decompostion Temp., °C N.D.
    Boiling Range, °C 100 - 100 Explosive Limits, vol%
    Flammability Does not Support Combustion
    Flash Point, °C 94
    Evaporation Rate Slower than Ether
    Auto-ignition Temp., °C N.D.
    Vapor Density Heavier than Air Vapor
    Pressure N.DHEAVY DUTY CLEANER & DISINFECTANT - EPA REGISTERED TO KILL BACTERIA, VIRUSES, AND GERMS. Heavy Duty Cleaner & Disinfectant is a ready-to-use, one-step, heavy duty cleaner combined with a fume-free disinfectant. It deodorizes and kills 99.9% of bacteria and germs. It also controls and inhibits the growth of mold and mildew on hard, non-porous surfaces without the use of bleach.
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