Home / MK Morse CSM53840FSSC 5-3/8" 40T SS Circular Saw Blade

MK Morse CSM53840FSSC 5-3/8" 40T SS Circular Saw Blade

  • Detail

    MK Morse CSM53840FSSC Description

    Morse Metal Devil, CSM53840FSSC (102902), is specifically designed for cutting stainless steel plate or small solids not exceeding in 1/4" thickness, and tubing, channel, or other structural shapes not exceeding 1/8" wall thickness. Blade comes standard as 20mm arbor, but is supplied with additional bushings, reducing arbor hole diameter to 10mm or 5/8", accommodating other popular saw machines available in the market.

    MK Morse CSM53840FSSC Includes

    • (1) Circular Saw Blade

    MK Morse CSM53840FSSC Features

    • Blade optimized for cutting stainless steel
    • Thin kerf, positive rake tooth face
    • Tooth count and grind designed for lower rpm, battery powered, hand held circular saws
    • Premium-grade carbide tips resist wear and chipping
    • Recommended blade not exceed 4200 rpm

    MK Morse CSM53840FSSC Specifications

    Diameter 5-3/8"
    Teeth 40"
    Arbor 10mm/20mm/ 5/8"
    Material Category Stainless Steel
    Max RPM 4200
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